Cuida tus CasaKiro
Envíos y Retiros
I fell in love with these assemblies!
For this composition I used 2 vintage buttons from the 50s-60s, which I bought in an old button shop in Rancagua. One of those treasures that no longer remain! They are carved plastic and have an incredible pearlescent shine. They are mounted on a silver base with griffins. They have a stick and nut system. When I saw them I immediately thought of something from the sea.
That's why I put them together with 2 shells from my travel collection. I picked up the smallest one in Matanzas this year, in the O'Higgins Region, and I picked up the largest one on a beach in Nazaré in Portugal in 2013. I kept it as a souvenir because I fell in love with that place.
From the small one hangs a twig made using the silver casting technique. 3 chiches hang from the large one: A crystal set in silver that was originally a pendant that I bought at the El Belloto Flea Fair, a small point of light with a gold-plated setting and a silver-set aqua green chalcedony that I bought in a jewelry.
The result is a delicate composition of grays in a variety of textures and brightness.
Length: 8.5cm
Our Assemblages Collection is a limited edition of mostly unique pieces. They are compositions made from forgotten fragments of various Casa Kiro collections that I found stored in the endless deep order of quarantine, some new pieces made in our workshop, a few purchased and some old ones, such as broken jewelry, rubber earrings, cut chains, that have been donated by friends and clients or bought at fairs, to give them a second and beautiful life,
Each composition has been specially designed and assembled by me to use these recovered treasure-cachureos.
You can see the purchase and shipping conditions in the help menu at the bottom of the page.
Tienes 10 días para realizar un cambio o devolución posteriores a la recepción del producto. Para ello, el producto debe estar sin uso, en su embalaje original y ser entregado en el punto de retiro o devuelto a nuestra bodega, donde serán revisados previamente.
- Los costos de envío y gastos asociados corren por cuenta del cliente.
- No aplica para productos personalizados o a pedido, ni a productos informados como usados o con defectos. En caso de devolución de dinero, se hará en un plazo máximo de 72 horas después de aceptada la devolución.
- Si recibes un producto defectuoso puedes optar por su reparación gratuita, cambio o devolución del monto pagado.
- Este es un resumen del punto SEXTO de nuestros Términos y Condiciones. Puedes leer el documento completo en nuestro menú AYUDA a pie de página. Para hacer una compra debes aceptarlos íntegramente.
- Si tienes alguna duda escribe a casakiro@gmail.com