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This Polythysana rubrescens also known as the Owl Moth is a species of moth that we find in southern Chile.
They measure from 6 to 12 cm in wingspan. The color that we take corresponds to the male, since the female is more neutral tones. We use mixes of pink, orange, yellow, metallic brown, and gold to get closer to the true tones of this species.
The female flies at night, while the male flies during the day. The latter takes advantage of the day, when the female rests, to perch on her and copulate.
After an intense and wild night, the male is exhausted, with its wings badly damaged by the violent flapping, and then it dies.
Made in resin with a silver pin and nut, each pair is drawn and painted by hand, one by one, with a lot of patience, fine brushes and a good hand. The metallic paint that we use brings a lot of shine, movement and light. The silver piece in the shape of a claw gives it a lot of movement.
These dancing hoops are 6.5cm long
Life is too short to be discreet!
Note: the photos of the real butterfly were taken from the internet.
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